Medicines used to treat prostatitis in men

Prostatitis and its treatment is one of the most painful issues for men suffering from this disease. Treatment of prostatitis, according to experts, is a process that consists of many completely different procedures: physiotherapy, medication, massage. Only a comprehensive impact on the problem can help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and, most importantly, the cause of the disease. Medicines in the form of tablets, injections and suppositories play the main role.

Prostatitis drugs

Drugs for the treatment of prostatitis are selected by the attending physician. The number of funds depends on what form of the disease the patient suffers from. The type of infection that caused the prostate to become inflamed also plays an important role. All doctors pay attention to these two factors first and foremost. What else can influence the choice of medication? We'll talk about this a little later. But first let's find out what problems men have with prostatitis and what they are dealing with.

How can you understand that this is prostatitis?

Treatment of prostatitis cannot begin without complaints from the patient. What signs can indicate that a man is sick from it? Experts agree that the initial stage of the disease may not manifest itself at all. Weakness and fatigue that appear at the onset of the disease are often mistaken by men for ordinary fatigue, vitamin deficiency and stress. And only if the inflammation covers the entire prostate can you notice pain over the pubic bone radiating into the rectum, difficulty urinating, and a constant urge to use the toilet. Most often, patients go to polyclinics with such complaints. At this stage in the development of the disease, treatment of prostatitis with pills gives a good result. The risk of chronic illness is minimal.

However, around 25% of men with symptoms of prostatitis are in no hurry to see a doctor and endure. In this case, the complaints are much more severe. In addition to the constant pain in the train, men complain of decreased potency, a lack of erection or too rapid ejaculation. Fibers, flakes and blood inclusions are visually observed in the urine of such patients. Treating prostatitis at this stage is a very complex process.


It is almost impossible to treat the disease with pills alone. In addition, the risk of complications such as calcareous prostatitis increases significantly.

Reasons for prostatitis

What can cause prostatitis in men? Treatment (medication) begins with answering this question. After all, the diagnosis helps in choosing the right medication for each case. Young men most often fall victim to prostatitis that has developed as a result of genital infections they have suffered: herpes, candidiasis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, trichomoniasis, etc. Inflammation of the prostate is also caused by regular hypothermia or congestion of the pelvis due to being seatedLifestyle.

In mature men, prostatitis most often occurs as a result of inflammatory diseases of the internal organs, stress, purulent-inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as after influenza or other viral infections.

Elderly patients suffer from prostatitis due to prolonged sexual abstinence. In addition, a decrease in immunity and chronic inflammatory processes of the internal organs can be the cause of their disease.

Based on this statistical data, as well as laboratory and instrument studies, the doctor selects drugs to treat prostatitis.

Treatment method

There are several important aspects to the medical treatment of pathology. All are aimed at restoring prostate tissue, clearing inflammation, and fighting the microorganisms that caused the disease. Symptomatic treatment of prostatitis in men is also important. The drugs in this case relieve pain and cramps.

Eliminating symptoms is not the most important thing in treating prostate inflammation. Antimicrobial and antiviral drugs used to treat prostatitis are much more important. Your choice will be based on the results of laboratory tests. In this case, not only the type of pathogen is taken into account, but also the sensitivity of the patient's body to drugs.

What else is needed to get rid of prostatitis in men? Treatment (medication) necessarily involves taking drugs that restore the immune status. This enables the patient's body to resist infection by itself. In addition, attention is paid to restoring potency (if there are problems with it).

Treatment methods such as prostate massage, herbal medicine and special nutrition also help restore the functions of the prostate.

Types and forms of drugs for prostatitis

So we found out which treatment methods are considered the most effective today. Since drugs used to treat prostatitis are seen as the main means of combating the disease, it is worth considering what forms are most commonly used:

  1. Antibiotics and antiviral drugs - in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories and injections.
  2. Alpha 1 blockers - in the form of tablets or capsules.
  3. Hormonal preparations for the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma - in the form of tablets.
  4. 5 alpha reductase inhibitors - tablets or capsules.
  5. Phytopreparations - in the form of tablets, capsules with powder filling or dragees.
  6. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - in the form of tablets or injectable solution.

After a complete examination of the patient, the attending physician decides how prostatitis is treated: with pills, injections and / or suppositories.

Prostatitis drugs

What drugs are most commonly used when a man is diagnosed with prostate inflammation? The names of many drugs mean nothing to most patients, and some commercials report 2-3 remedies that can help in the fight against prostatitis. Next, we will take a closer look at each group of drugs for this disease.

Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Prostatitis drugs from this group are said to relieve pain and inflammation. You can also lower body temperature in acute prostatitis. The most suitable drugs are:

  1. Rectal suppositories and diclofenac sodium injections.
  2. Ketorolac trometamol tablets and solution for injection.

Both drugs have contraindications. Basically, their absorption is reflected in the digestive system of patients, so in most cases the treatment regimen is a three-day course with a weekly interval between them. However, the drug "Ketorolac" is recommended for single use for high intensity pain.

Antibiotics and antiviral drugs for prostatitis

Antibiotics and virostatics are completely new drugs for the treatment of prostatitis. The fact is that penicillin and similar substances do not sufficiently penetrate the prostate barrier and can accumulate in the tissues of the gland. Therefore, antibiotics that have long been known are not sufficiently effective. What drugs can be taken for inflammation of the prostate? Here is a list of them:

  1. Tablets and injections that belong to the subgroup of protected amoxicillins and are effective in acute and chronic prostatitis.
  2. Solutions for injecting cefotaxime, ceftazidime or ceftriaxone. While these antibiotics are highly effective, they have virtually no side effects.
  3. tablets and injections azithromycin and josamycin related to macrolides. With their help, you can fight against microorganisms in the cells of the diseased organ, that is, the prostate.
  4. Norfloxacin, ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin tablets and capsules. In addition to the antimicrobial effect, they have an immunomodulatory effect.
  5. Ciprofloxacin and acyclovir tablets are prescribed for patients who have a viral infection that causes prostate inflammation.
the main medicines used to treat prostatitis

So we have listed the main drugs that are used to treat prostatitis in men. The drugs should only be selected and prescribed by a specialist!

Preparations to increase immunity

Any inflammatory process, including prostatitis, occurs against a background of decreased immunity. That is why it is important to take immunomodulators. The most effective for prostatitis are:

  • tablets with interferon alpha and tactivin to protect against foreign microorganisms;
  • stimulator of T lymphocytes levamisole;
  • tablets, which contain sodium nucleinate and increase the activity of macrophage cells;
  • Medicines methyluracil and dried juice of the herb Echinacea purpurea, stimulate cellular immunity.

All of the above drugs are prescribed by the attending physician. He also calculates the required dosage and duration of the funds intake. It is not recommended to take them alone!

Herbal remedies for prostatitis

Despite the abundance of synthetic drugs, the treatment of prostatitis takes less time with regular use of special herbal remedies.

Means to normalize urination

The drugs in this group are mainly used for chronic prostatitis. It is this form of the disease that causes problems with urination. Alpha-1 blockers usually reduce the swelling of the prostate tissue.

The most popular remedies for prostatitis

Currently, doctors who specialize in the treatment of male diseases, including prostatitis, prefer to prescribe complex drugs to patients who combine several properties at the same time. For example, a prostate extract solution for injection is effective in both acute and chronic prostatitis. Its use helps activate the immune system, strengthen the vascular and cell walls in the prostate. The therapy with this agent normalizes the blood flow in the pelvic organs, the restoration of the prostate tissue is much faster. Medicines are also often used to treat chronic prostatitis in the form of rectal suppositories.

Should I take hormones for prostatitis?

Hormonal preparations for prostatitis in acute and chronic forms are not used. The only condition a doctor can prescribe hormone-containing drugs is the presence of a benign or malignant tumor in the prostate.

Finally, I would like to remind readers once again that all drugs mentioned in this article are prescribed by the attending physician. Self-administration of drugs can lead to unpredictable consequences.